For years, I looked forward to Corpus Christi Sunday. Corpus Christi stands for the Body of Christ. Every year, the church that I attended would set up different altars on the church grounds. We would gather as a community behind Jesus in his Eucharistic form in the Monstrance. The priest would carry Jesus ever so reverently. In attendance, would be our deacons and the Knights of Columbus. We would stop at each altar and the priest would put Jesus upon the altar. We would pray and sing to Him.
Moving to each altar, little children that just made their First Communion would throw rose petals in front of the path where the priest carrying Our Lord to the next altar would walk thus rolling out the red carpet for our regal guest. This was repeated until we stopped at all four altars and ended up circling the church and entering back in. While we walked, musicians would play their instruments. We would all sing songs of praise to Jesus.
Today is Corpus Christi Sunday. I asked three different churches if there would be a procession. The best that was offered is a drive-in procession where Jesus would bless us from our cars. My heart is just broken.
Today is the day that we celebrate the gift of Our Lord who wanted to stay with us.
“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, so that they may always see my glory which you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world." John 17:24.
What a solemn day. Instead of thanking Our Lord for staying with us in His Eucharistic Form, we are practicing social distancing. We are protecting our bodies when Our Lord’s body was ravaged by his accusers. He never ran away. He never practiced social distancing. He touched us all to heal us of our infirmities. He is human, just like us. He knows our fears. He knows our worries. He knows our anxieties. He says
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” Matthew 11:28-30.
Jesus thirsts for us. He desires us so much. Do we trust Him? Do we trust His words?
Masks and social distancing never stopped a virus in the past and it never will in the future. If we live in this fear for survival, is it really living? I am not a scientist, but I do know that unless we keep ourselves in a bubble, we will not be able to stop sickness. Illness is a part of every day life. Our bodies are not meant to live forever. Our souls, on the other hand, are immortal. It doesn’t make sense to treat the body as if it lives forever but diminish the soul as if it doesn’t exist.
This is the culture that we live in right now. We no longer walk by faith and not by sight. Instead, the new motto is seeing is believing. Even when people see the truth, they deny it. I understand this all too well.
God, in His mercy, miraculously healed me three months ago. Praise be His name!! (To read about Cheryle’s miraculous healing click here—-> Signs, Wonders, and Miracles ) In these three months, the disbelief that I have encountered is staggering. Many of these dissenters are family members who knew what I went through. Perhaps it is because these family members know me and that I am a sinner. I didn’t deserve it. It’s not that I am holy, its because He is mercy!! He is love!! He is joy!
We don’t have to wait to be perfect to come to Him!! We just have to turn to Him in complete surrender, like a small child. Hold His hand. Let Him guide you.
Today, I so desired to show Jesus how much I love Him. I went to mass and tried to worship and love Him. My feeble attempts always fall short but I know that He loves me for my effort.
Since I cannot participate in a Corpus Christi Procession, I am going to walk outside and pray the rosary and claim the land under my feet as Holy ground as Father Richard Heilman would say. I encourage you all to do the same.
While praying, I will ask God for spiritual courage for our bishops and priests and all the faithful. Spiritual courage to put God first. He longs for us. His heart is burning with love for everyone. Please show Him love by trusting in His mercy. Jesus, I love you.