For it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God.” Romans 14:11

I belong to a parish in which I am grateful to have good priests who have done so much for us during this pandemic.
And I attend another parish in a nearby city sometimes for mass as well. The pastor there has provided kneelers for those who wish to receive the Holy Eucharist kneeling. He started it at daily mass, and then eventually at Sunday masses.
I was so happy when he started using them at daily mass. But when I first saw the kneelers out shortly after Christmas, for Sunday mass too, I shed a few tears of gratitude and joy. From my experience at a previous parish, I already knew that if you put the kneelers out... people will kneel! And at a time when a large majority of Catholics (according to recent polls about 70%) do not even believe in the Real Presence, it made me so happy for Jesus.