MARKETING – 15th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
Fortunes have been made by following simple formulas. Someone finds a new or unique way to cook chicken or fish, makes a soft drink, or use materials in a different way to meet human needs. Franchises are established. Those chosen for the franchises agree to follow the successful formula. For to alter the formula can affect success. The product name and quality of the one who originally developed the product and the formula to market it provides the power to sell it. We all respond to many such products. Such products are so good they leave people free to respond to them or not. The companies may use the best advertising available to make the product known. After that, no further attempts are made to persuade people. The coke-a-cola people in their struggle with pepsi-cola have learned painfully it’s best not to tamper with a proven and successful formula.
The greatest spiritual product to be “marketed” on the earth is the message of the Kingdom/Reign of God. Jesus, the original founder and developer of the Kingdom, continues to call people to “market” His product. He calls people from all walks of life as He follows the pattern of the Old Testament. The Prophet Amos was a shepherd and dresser of sycamores when the Lord of the Old Testament called him. “The Lord took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go prophesy to my people Israel.” Jesus, the Lord of the New Testament, calls people to bring the message of the Reign of God to people today, leaving them free to respond or not.
We find in Mark, as in the other Gospels, Jesus’ instructions to those called to do His work. The formula for success is basically simple. Those who are called, chosen, and who accept the “franchise” are required to follow the formula and methods of Jesus for spiritual success.
The first thing we have to realize is that the product is backed by the power of Christ. No substitutes or changes in the basic product are necessary or called for. As Paul says in Ephesians: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens…In Him we have redemption by His blood…in accord with the riches of His grace that He lavished upon us”. The death and resurrection of Jesus provided all the power needed by the human race to be reconciled to God and to share in His Kingdom/Reign.
As a consequence, we do not need excessive worldly goods or techniques to make the Reign/Kingdom available to people. As a matter of fact, there are advantages to traveling light. The Lord calls those involved in the spreading of the Reign and its message to travel light. To be bogged down with excessive things can distract us and lead us to rely on something other than the power of Christ. “He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick, no food, no sack, no money in their belts.”
When Jesus spoke those words, the principle means of travel was walking. It is clear that if one is walking they will get nowhere if they attempt to carry much at all. The Lord did tell them to take the necessities. “They were, however, to wear sandals…”. On rough roads of Galilee, no progress could be made without sandals. Everything else could be provided along the way. Those who accepted the Reign of God would supply the disciples with what they needed.
In our time, Jesus would allow us to take a car and the basic necessities. He discourages us from overloading ourselves materially. How easy that is in our culture! The reason being primarily that too many material things and concerns can be a distraction from the work of the Reign of God. Possibly too, they may obscure and distract from the power and message of Christ.
The second thing we can remember is that the product is very good. Therefore, no real force needs to be exerted on people to accept it. The gentle persuasion, of making the message known as best as we can, is all that is basically necessary. “It sells itself” as someone may say of their product is certainly true of the Gospel. The disciples need not be alarmed if the message is not “bought” or accepted by everyone. We need only announce it to others who will. We have to watch being discouraged at those who simply don’t respond to the Gospel or life in the Church, which is a critical sign of accepting or rejecting or at least failing to understand the message of the Reign of God. Everyone will have to take their own responsibility or their responses and their failures to follow God’s call.
“Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” People are always to be left free after “…preached repentance” which opens one to the message and life of the Kingdom/Reign of God. The Gospel, of course, gives power over “…unclean spirits…,” which can hinder acceptance of the message. “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits.” They “…drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them”.
Just as in the world of commerce, simple formulas work well for good products when they are followed, so when the simple instructions of Jesus are followed, the greatest of all products, the Reign of God, spreads to more people. Travel light materially, rely on the power of Christ, and announce the message. As Paul reminds us in Ephesians: “…He chose us in Him…destined us for adoption to Himself through Jesus Christ…”.