ANTICIPATION – Baptism of the Lord, Year C
If you are an anticipant, which you probably are in some ways, you are giving some thoughts to some future events, whether they be near or distant in time. To anticipate literally means to take before.
Ante means before, and cipate is a Latin verb meaning to take. When we are anticipating something we experience it already in some way. Connected with anticipation is some expectation.
We have a different set of feelings, emotions, thoughts, experiences, fears, anxieties and hopes, which lead us to different responses depending on what we are anticipating in the future. If what we are anticipating is considered harmful, unproductive, dangerous and fearful, we are going to have a different set of responses. Dread, resistance, lack of movement toward the event, and other responses will be experienced. The future will be gloomy, filled with a sense of doom, in what is not anticipated as good.
If what we are anticipating is perceived as being good, productive and life giving for us, we experience excitement, energy, wonder, hope and a good kind of wondering fear.
Just about anything in the future can cause anticipation. Many have anticipatory experiences about their significant relationships, work, economic condition, the nation’s economic condition, preparations for life work, health, demands on one’s life and resources, the environment, and the movement and presence of the Lord in one’s life.
The experience of anticipation can actually affect the future, since we act in the present based on what we anticipate happening in the future. Ultimately, we live the Christian life based on what we expect in our eternal future and life. One who has no anticipation of a future life or belief in God is going to live differently in the present than one who has faith in God. The anticipation of future punishment or future reward affects life in the present.
John the Baptizer stirred up peoples hope of the coming and expected Messiah. “The people were full of anticipation, wondering in their hearts whether John might be the Messiah.” This anticipation was filled with hope, excitement and challenge depending on how much they knew about the Messiah. John told them clearly he was not the Messiah, but the one who was preparing the people for the near coming of the Messiah. He was baptizing them in water, which demanded a repentance of mind, heart and life for the forgiveness of sin. Their increased anticipation from John’s message lead many to prepare their minds and hearts by turning away from sin and embracing the commandments more fully. Anticipation grew as the people prepared for the one to come after John, who was greater, and who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Anticipation grew in Jesus as He realized the time of the empowering of the Spirit was near for Him. At the time of His being baptized by John, His anticipation led Him into deeper prayer. He was anticipating the coming of the Spirit in power to enable Him to begin His public ministry of proclaiming the reign of God, which meant a struggle and battle with the reign of Satan and sin in the lives of people, and the beginning of the salvation of the human race. The insights Jesus gained from studying Isaiah under the power of the Spirit revealed what His future ministry and mission were to be. “Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit, He shall bring forth justice for the nations.”
Anticipation had grown in Jesus before the Spirit came upon Him in power. “Jesus was at prayer…the skies opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in visible form like a dove.” The Father confirmed Jesus. “You are my beloved Son. On you my favor rests.” Jesus continued to anticipate the future. “He went about doing good works and healing all who were in the grip of the devil…God was with Him.”
People who are anticipating the action of the Lord in their life enter into deeper prayer. Anticipating the future without the Lord creates dread. Anticipating the future with the Lord creates light, joy, peace, life and power.
From the Diary of St. Faustina – 1017
“I want to give Myself to souls and to fill them with My love, but few there are who want to accept all the graces My love has intended for them. My grace is not lost; if the soul for whom it was intended does not accept it, another soul takes it.”